Mahmoud Zaki

Conscious vs. Conscience: What’s the Difference?

urge of conscience
How does the conscious differ from the conscience? Being conscious is the state of being awake and alert. Conscience, on the other hand, refers to an awareness of whether actions are right or wrong.
These two terms are sometimes confused in common everyday usage because they sound quite similar. However, as you can see, they mean very different things within the field of psychology.
While the two terms are often confused, the conscious and the conscience refer to very different things. Your conscious allows you to be aware of your place in the world, while your conscience allows you to behave in this world in morally and socially acceptable ways. As described below, being conscious refers to your awareness of yourself and the world around you. Your conscience is your ability to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.
What Does Conscience Mean?
Your conscience is the part of your personality that helps you determine right and wrong and keeps you from acting upon your most basic urges and desires. Your conscience is what makes you feel guilty when you do something bad and good when you do something kind. It is the moral basis that helps guide prosocial behavior, or behavior that helps others, and leads you to behave in socially acceptable and even altruistic ways.
What Does Conscious Mean?
Your conscious is your awareness of yourself and the world around you. In the most general terms, it means being awake and aware. Some experts suggest that you are considered conscious of something if you are able to put it into words.. Not only can you be conscious—as in awake—but you can also be conscious—as in aware—of your thoughts and feelings. The Conscious Mind. In psychology, the conscious mind includes everything inside your awareness, including the Fantasies, Feelings, Memories, Perceptions, Thoughts. A metaphor that is sometimes used to explain the concept of the conscious mind within psychoanalytic theory is likening the mind to an iceberg. The part of the iceberg that can be seen above the surface of the water represents conscious awareness. It is what we are aware of and can describe and articulate clearly. The largest part of the iceberg actually lies below the surface of the water. This represents the unconscious mind and includes all the thoughts, memories, and urges that are outside of our conscious awareness.

Forensic psychology

the reasons leading to committing a crime, starting with upbringing, family, education, surrounding environment, educational level, awareness of rights and duties, up to social challenges such as poverty, civil wars, and corruption, and ending with the extent of the individual’s influence on the group and the positive activity that prevents the occurrence of a crime.
At its core, forensic psychology is the intersection of psychology and the law. It involves the application of psychological principles, theories, and skills to the understanding and functioning of the legal and criminal justice system.
as example we have a new employee just join few days back, have no money to cut his hair and take tips 15 dirhams from the guest and did not sharing with his team and other senior employee open the team tips box and take 15 dirhams from there to buy a cigarette packet without informing any body
same amount but is it equal and deserves the same disciplinary action against?
the point is how to value the employees mistakes then we will know how to act with regard- use the spirit of the law, the person bears a lot of blame for those around him and society, and in return he holds those around him responsible for his situation.
Here is the importance of the famous sentence: “The crime was committed with premeditation and deliberation.”
The Four Evil Mistakes
· Corruption: accepting a bribe, used the work facilities for a personal benefit sharing the company confidential info for reason/ money
· Harm to the Company Business: negligence causes large amount loss / big property damage
· Broken the Site Operation: intentionally mistakes, didn’t follow the company rules and regulation/ against the company policy and procedures
· personal offense: harassment involved in theft case, physically fighting with guests or colleagues

My team My identity, concern of changing the way people think about security, how to create a healthy work environment, clear vision, supporting women is not a grant but a responsibility to greater role in security file, up to date with technology and getting rid of the old traditional mentality

Recently published my book third edition named The Smart Strong Security System. this achievement after 9 years work on this book, The information Included in this book from specialized studies, references, websites and some personal insights we learn from the great honors leaders we work with them as well as the new officers.

We believe and belong in security, We love what we do, each officer is one of my team, he knows his stature and fatigue is the value of every effort, he believes that one day he will be at the helm of this career, so every challenge he faces will undoubtedly pass his fair strides, it is only a matter of time, we learn from good and bad management, many of whom have worked in this career did not choose to be security, work to support the family but they don’t like what they are doing, for them it is the most hard work ever, but if we love what we are doing no stress no pressure, let them believe in the security profession, let them know it is as valuable and important as the system,

in my opinion if you want to get to know someone, ask who works under his supervision, them knows his philosophy and niche, everyone must have a vision of his career, Successful in balancing our being under the great system with a personal view of the process,

Choosing assistants who have a different point of view will lead to a greater and more comprehensive knowledge of things and seeing the angles and opinions that might best explain it, put your assistant and your team on the table and take them opinions that will feel loyal to the team.

There is a possibility that you may be right or wrong, hope it is useful for those who interesting and believe in the career and protect the system, sharing what we are studying and learning will lead to more success in our life.

If you ask me about the best in Dubai, I will say that it is the local people themselves who have managed to fit different races and cultures into one identity to build a successful society.

May Allah bless save and protect Dubai from any harm Amen.

There’s no doubt that to complete any study or project we have to know all details source. Reasons for security system:
Security function is very important part for all the organization of any institution, it’s become more or less focus depends on the nature of the region security,
We believe in the career of security

We love what we do, we belong in security, each officer seen is my team, he knows his stature and fatigue is the value of every effort, he believes that one day he will be at the helm of this career, so every challenge he faces will undoubtedly pass his fair strides, it is only a matter of time, we learn from good and bad management most importantly that my team is my identity, many of whom have worked in this career did not choose to be security (work to support the family but they don’t like what they are doing so for them it is the most hard work ever, if we love what we are doing no stress no pressure), let them believe in the security profession, let them know it is as valuable and important as the system, it’s a pleasure to share attached my book named the system.

The information Included in this presentation from specialized studies, references, websites and some personal insights we learn from the great honors leaders we work with them as well as the new officers. Successful in balancing our being under the great system with a personal view of the process, if we close to the system it will be an aggressive routine without creativity and if we close to the personality it will be unprofessional, If you want to get to know someone, ask who works under his supervision, them knows his philosophy and niche, everyone must have a vision of his career.

Assessment is a science and an art at the same time, expressing an opinion on a person based on a situation is wrong as it is a superficial and unprofessional evaluation
Choosing assistants who have a different point of view will lead to a greater and more comprehensive knowledge of things and seeing the angles and opinions that might best explain it, put your assistant and your team on the table and take them opinions that will feel loyal to the team.

There is a possibility that you may be right or wrong, hope it is useful for those who interesting and believe in the career and protect the system, sharing what we are studying and learning will lead to more success in our life.
How to create a healthy work environment by appropriate fair team assessment which will lead to smooth running of the operation,
It is very important for the employee to feel that his work is visible and appreciated, because if he notices that other employees do not put effort and dedication to work, and the month ends both are equal (whether glorious and hardworking his work or neglect and lack of interest) in front of the management will be disappointed and the company will begin to lose skilled employees, and the efficiency and quality of employees will decrease.

Points to be placed gradually according to the importance of the topic, details but briefly (issue, date & time), the employee is confronted on the time to avoid distortion or forgetfulness to ensure it’s done equally among employees in a manner that guarantees fairness in appreciation and punishment.
Administration is a science and organization, conducts a detailed fair professional assessment.

It should not be a cortical assessment that takes into account mistakes that need to be pointed out and worked to correct, such as the employee passing the individual department directive on the first months and then reported that he/she has failure and under-performing, the flower I planted should not be criticized, also should not overlooking employee’s mistakes and turning a blind eye to them for non- professional reasons which may lead to terrible results.
It regulates the relationship between the employees and them supervisors, so that no employee will complains about his superiors who use their powers aggressively with them by persecuting and penalizing them for unintended small mistakes, as well its support the supervisors of tracking the mistakes gradually counted so that we can find the unqualified employees disturbing the system in order to have a plan by developing and improving their performance, because by follow-up through the supervisors observation for the employees’ mistakes we can be addressed and even achieved in overcoming the stage of mistakes and lack of integration with the team and absorbing the tasks and responsibility of he/her job in a way that ensures their giving in the future, either in the case of No real response and interaction with the performance improvement plan, to be highlighted to the management for action with regard, be abandoned to reform the team for success of the entire great system
The Four Evil Mistakes
• Corruption: accepting a bribe, used the work facilities for a personal benefit sharing the company confidential info for reason/ money
• Harm to the Company Business: negligence causes large amount loss / big property damage
• Broken the Site Operation: intentionally mistakes didn’t follow the company rules and regulation/ against the company policy and procedures
• Personal offense: harassment involved in theft case, physically fighting with guests or colleagues Don’t be afraid of failure

As there is no day without night, nor flowers without thorns, nor spring without autumn, as well as no success without failure.
Sometimes failure is the only way to success.
Getting rid of the knot of failure is the first step towards achieving success.
Loss is not good taste, but we are able to overcome it by making it a beautiful memory. Take the losses and start working again.
Don’t be sad about what you went for, but be sad about what didn’t happen and don’t worry about the missed opportunity, worry about the present opportunity in your hands.
The problem is not that we make mistakes, but the problem of how we learn and control the mistakes.
The modern security system
Unfortunately some of the classic security system had a bad habits such as Acting like a Police, Routine not up-to-date, no creativity, complicated in communication, fear of facing administration for changes required, increase the stress and tension in believe it will keep the operation smooth, more concerned with covering up the mistake rather than correcting it immediately, disciplinary action is taken depending on the person’s position, malicious exploitation of service providers, Not offering appreciation to those who deserve it for fear of falling in level or laziness, give strict instructions to stop
something then gives exception to someone which embarrassing his team’s presence of others, secrets between the team, use the team hostility against each other to ensure the work dynamic, competition, supervising each other and submitting secret reports, given unnecessary tasks as punishment, ignore the system weaknesses and team details, Birthdays & Outing.
As well some of the classic security system selected the team members on a non-scientific basis, on physical strength, nationality, Loyalty for manager not institution, follow instructions without explanation, tracks people without investigation and used them as a cone in the event, ignoring developing the security guard’s mentality and professional intelligence. Good the new generation of security and hospitality management does not recognize these habits.
Smart/ Strong Security System
Smart & Strong practically and verbally one meaning for the security system, they are never different and inseparable, but there is a gap between the classic security system and the modern one.
Global spending on information security has been growing from 2017 to 2022, increasing from 101.5 billion US dollars in 2017 to 169 billion US dollars in 2022. Most spending has concentrated in security services, infrastructure protection and network security equipment. The 1970s saw the actual start and needs of cyber security, it was an important decade in the evolution of cyber security and the advanced research projects agency network (Arpanet) was the initial endeavor in this. Before even the internet was created, this connectivity network was constructed. The fourth industrial revolution or 4IR- is the next phase, including the rise of data and connectivity, analytics human –machine interaction and improvements in security system, video analytics and virtual reality in the hospitality industry, video technologies have been utilized in many areas including security.
There is a misconception in classical schools of management, that it is necessary to build a strong security system in the property by maintaining distance between employees to avoid advantage, exceptions and relationships for personal benefits, the modern smart security system is designed/ uses technology with simple clear policy & procedures to prevent individuals from using the security authority in the wrong way. Classical security system did not developing a system that detects cheating/ fraud even if was present at the event and to face this huge increase in technology risks, it was a necessary to create a security information technology system for the entire organization.
Having a consistent and balanced relationship with employees to get to know them better is useful for a healthy work environment, the outcomes of interest to balance theory are varied and include job satisfaction, stress, achieving worker health and safety, and harsh personalities at work like big muscles only show up in the gym, There are no a traditional catalogs or designs dedicated for the head of security/ old fashion, now we can meet a successful young strong security chief who has a very kind personality, small body and low-pitched voice and a beautiful security manager with the utmost femininity and delicate, wearing very high heels, there are no longer files and documents in the security operation officer or CCTV room just receipts/invoices etc. other all in secure computer data, daily- monthly reports and files in an Excel. Forms, gate passes and incident reports share the application with the concern departments and this system has already been implemented from years not coming from the future.
Managing UP and Managing DOWN
Managing Up
Manage your relationship with your manager, convince him of your professional abilities and personal skills and that you are a valuable and useful addition to the team and that you deserve to be here and do your best to prove yourself with him, (LET THE MANAGER BELIEVE IN YOU), and to develop a productive working relationship, learn the management, leadership and communication styles and preferences of your manager, increase your awareness of your own business.
Managing down
focus on being an effective manager for the people you are responsible for in an organization, more than on satisfying the people who are above you, (MY TEAM.MY IDENTITY), create a healthy environment for work, your philosophy to be matching with the team goals, show them your vision, share with them your strategy/ planning for the future, be clear, specific for each position the tasks and responsibilities and be honest about the challenges facing, put the team training plan and fair assessment, communicate with management to meet the needs of the team to satisfy them to ensure that the work is carried out with quality and not just with attendance, motivational, gift for employee of the month, remember to celebrate them birthdays, outing at short intervals and make them talk with confidence in you about what does not satisfy them by working with open hearts and frank opinions that may open an angle for you that was not clear to you before, take responsibility for the team and use a distinguished smart method in rewarding and punishing, follow-up to clarify that the performance of any of them will be seen, and this is to create a competitive spirit in the team
To Hiring someone, we should ask who works under him, they are more aware of his philosophy and how he lead the team, as his tactic with the management should be completely agree with what he says with his employees in closed meetings, given a space to listen and discuss the issues of the process with his team, accept them suggestion and share their opinions to make decisions which take into account the interest of the team as a whole, close to the team in terms of work problems, their personal problems goes down to the location work by side to his team and follows the operation closely in detail (Don’t focus on the accident, but focus on knowing the cause of the accident and preventing it in the future) to know the challenges and involve his team in how to solve it, take tough questions, check and ask if required and then answer, especially about future plans, gather team ideas, guide them and provide full support, studies the team’s mistakes, makes a plan to sort it out to make sure they will not be repeated Share management appreciation with the team, and celebrate success achieved, tact and presentation are not enough for long-term success, the problem is sure to come up one day.
Be yourself
The people who say that they cannot be themselves usually claim that someone prevents them from it. How can this be real? How can it be anyone other than yourself?
It is possible to stop being yourself if your fear from contesting the risk .but then what will become under the tutelage of anyone who does will protect you.
Unfortunately, the person who protects you are expected to behave the way you see that you dispose of other .by other way in which that person has help only to follow.
If you are afraid to be yourself, you may be intimidated by the idea that take care of yourself or to hold the reins of your affairs without outside interference.
If someone wants to authenticate –friendship – quite a bit, but for the purpose of selecting make your way in life is to preserve the best of the company it can be accompanied (which, of course, yourself), do not have to rely on the strength of others.
Privacy accepts, as well as a sense of isolation inherent in him to be ready to behave your way on your own, not as a challenge but as an option.
If you are afraid to be yourself, you may be afraid to raise your anger .you feel the need to harbor anger inside you, or you may get angry person who rely on it to protect you and you stay alive, or afraid to deprive you of the benefits of something that expressed yourself.
So you control yourself, after a period stationed in the depths of your heart .at that time will hate yourself for your sense of weakness, and inferiority, and that you are not yourself.
It’s really a vicious circle.
It was not to fall on it never if you are as you are.
You all exhibition of error, but you have the freedom to correct your mistakes.
You may injure others, but you are able to apologize to them and deal with their anger.
Others may hurt you, but you feel a degree of inner strength are bound to make you able to love again.
Save yourself
What do you see in your favor? Express yourself.
Find your life and your way through the nest was unable to act in your best interests to the maximum, then you certainly will not be able to act against the interests of any other person.

Smart/ Strong Security System

Smart & Strong practically and verbally one meaning for the security system, they are never different and inseparable, but there is a gap between the classic security system and the modern one.

Global spending on information security has been growing from 2017 to 2022, increasing from 101.5 billion US dollars in 2017 to 169 billion US dollars in 2022. Most spending has concentrated in security services, infrastructure protection and network security equipment. The 1970s saw the actual start and needs of cyber security, it was an important decade in the evolution of cyber security and the advanced research projects agency network (Arpanet) was the initial endeavor in this. Before even the internet was created, this connectivity network was constructed. The fourth industrial revolution or 4IR- is the next phase, including the rise of data and connectivity, analytics human –machine interaction and improvements in security system, video analytics and virtual reality in the hospitality industry, video technologies have been utilized in many areas including security.

There is a misconception in classical schools of management, that it is necessary to build a strong security system in the property by maintaining distance between employees to avoid advantage, exceptions and relationships for personal benefits, the modern smart security system is designed/ uses technology with simple clear policy & procedures to prevent individuals from using the security authority in the wrong way. Classical security system did not developing a system that detects cheating/ fraud even if was present at the event and to face this huge increase in technology risks, it was a necessary to create a security information technology system for the entire organization.

Having a consistent and balanced relationship with employees to get to know them better is useful for a healthy work environment, the outcomes of interest to balance theory are varied and include job satisfaction, stress, achieving worker health and safety, and harsh personalities at work like big muscles only show up in the gym, There are no a traditional catalogs or designs dedicated for the head of security/ old fashion, now we can meet a successful young strong security chief who has a very kind personality, small body and low-pitched voice and a beautiful security manager with the utmost femininity and delicate, wearing very high heels, there are no longer files and documents in the security operation officer or CCTV room just receipts/invoices etc. other all in secure computer data, daily- monthly reports and files in an Excel. Forms, gate passes and incident reports share the application with the concern departments and this system has already been implemented from years not coming from the future.
Unfortunately some of the classic security system had a bad habits such as Acting like a Police, Routine not up-to-date, no creativity, complicated in communication, fear of facing administration for changes required, increase the stress and tension in believe it will keep the operation smooth, more concerned with covering up the mistake rather than correcting it immediately, disciplinary action is taken depending on the person’s position, malicious exploitation of service providers, Not offering appreciation to those who deserve it for fear of falling in level or laziness, give strict instructions to stop something then gives exception to someone which embarrassing his team’s presence of others, secrets between the team, use the team hostility against each other to ensure the work dynamic, competition, supervising each other and submitting secret reports, given unnecessary tasks as punishment, ignore the system weaknesses and team details, Birthdays & Outing. As well some of the classic security system selected the team members on a non-scientific basis, on physical strength, nationality, Loyalty for manager not institution, follow instructions without explanation, tracks people without investigation and used them as a cone in the event, ignoring developing the security guard’s mentality and professional intelligence. Good the new generation of security and hospitality management does not recognize these habits.

Managing UP and Managing DOWN

Managing Up
Manage your relationship with your manager, convince him of your professional abilities and personal skills and that you are a valuable and useful addition to the team and that you deserve to be here and do your best to prove yourself with him, (LET THE MANAGER BELIEVE IN YOU), and to develop a productive working relationship, learn the management, leadership and communication styles and preferences of your manager, increase your awareness of your own business.

Managing down
 focus on being an effective manager for the people you are responsible for in an organization, more than on satisfying the people who are above you, (MY TEAM.MY IDENTITY), create a healthy environment for work, your philosophy to be matching with the team goals, show them your vision, share with them your strategy/ planning for the future, be clear, specific for each position the tasks and responsibilities and be honest about the challenges facing, put the team training plan and fair assessment, communicate with management to meet the needs of the team to satisfy them to ensure that the work is carried out with quality and not just with attendance, motivational, gift for employee of the month, remember to celebrate them birthdays, outing at short intervals and make them talk with confidence in you about what does not satisfy them by working with open hearts and frank opinions that may open an angle for you that was not clear to you before, take responsibility for the team and use a distinguished smart method in rewarding and punishing, follow-up to clarify that the performance of any of them will be seen, and this is to create a competitive spirit in the team

To Hiring someone, we should ask who works under him, they are more aware of his philosophy and how he lead the team, as his tactic with the management should be completely agree with what he says with his employees in closed meetings, given a space to listen and discuss the issues of the process with his team, accept them suggestion and share their opinions to make decisions which take into account the interest of the team as a whole, close to the team in terms of work problems, their personal problems
goes down to the location work by side to his team and follows the operation closely in detail (Don’t focus on the accident, but focus on knowing the cause of the accident and preventing it in the future) to know the challenges and involve his team in how to solve it
take tough questions, check and ask if required and then answer, especially about future plans, gather team ideas, guide them and provide full support
studies the team’s mistakes, makes a plan to sort it out to make sure they will not be repeated
Share management appreciation with the team, and celebrate success achieved
tact and presentation are not enough for long-term success, the problem is sure to come up one day.

How to create a healthy work environment by appropriate fair team assessment which will lead to smooth running of the operation,

It is very important for the employee to feel that his work is visible and appreciated, because if he notices that other employees do not put effort and dedication to work, and the month ends both are equal (whether glorious and hardworking his work or neglect and lack of interest) in front of the management will be disappointed and the company will begin to lose skilled employees, and the efficiency and quality of employees will decrease.

Points to be placed gradually according to the importance of the topic, details but briefly (issue, date & time), the employee is confronted on the time to avoid distortion or forgetfulness to ensure it’s done equally among employees in a manner that guarantees fairness in appreciation and punishment.

Administration is a science and organization, conducts a detailed fair professional assessment.
It should not be a cortical assessment that takes into account mistakes that need to be pointed out and worked to correct, such as the employee passing the individual department directive on the first months and then reported that he/she has failure and under-performing, the flower I planted should not be criticized, also should not overlooking employee’s mistakes and turning a blind eye to them for non-professional reasons which may lead to terrible results.

It regulates the relationship between the employees and them supervisors, so that no employee will complains about his superiors who use their powers aggressively with them by persecuting and penalizing them for unintended small mistakes, as well its support the supervisors of tracking the mistakes gradually counted so that we can find the unqualified employees disturbing the system in order to have a plan  by developing and improving their performance, because by follow-up through the supervisors observation for the employees’ mistakes we can be addressed and even achieved in overcoming the stage of mistakes and lack of integration with the team and absorbing the tasks and responsibility of he/her job in a way that ensures their giving in the future, either in the case of No real response and interaction with the performance improvement plan, to be highlighted to the management for action with regard, be abandoned to reform the team for success of the entire great system

The Four Evil Mistakes
·        Corruption: accepting a bribe, used the work facilities for a personal benefit sharing the company confidential info for reason/ money
·        Harm to the Company Business: negligence causes large amount loss / big property damage
·        Broken the Site Operation: intentionally mistakes, didn’t follow the company rules and regulation/ against the company policy and procedures
·        personal offense: harassment involved in theft case, physically fighting with guests or colleagues